We can tell you all about the typical Sioux-culture and the high-tech challenging projects. About how you can develop yourself, like nowhere else. But we’d rather have you hear it from our own employees.

Pieter Bas (1)

Principal System Designer Pieter-Bas

'What I like most about my work at Sioux is the high complexity and diversity of the projects, and to work really close to the hardware.'
Electronics Engineer Tina

Electronics Designer Tina

'What I like best about my job, is when you have been working on a challenging project for a while, seeing my work come to life.'
Grouplead Man Hans

Group Lead Hans

'Helping employees grow is the most wonderful thing there is'
Project Manager Tatiana

Project Manager Tatiana

'The opportunities for growth and the openness to help one another, the sincere attention for people, is really what sets Sioux apart. '
System Architect Marnix

System Architect Marnix

'Everyone is willing to support each other, from production floor to CEO.'
Software Architect Robert

Software Architect Robert

'My greatest motivation comes from the fact that Sioux offers freedom. We put together our own roadmap.'

Mathware Designer Bidisha

‘I get to work on a lot of cutting edge projects where I can really make a difference.'
NPI Engineer Kelsey

NPI Engineer Kelsey

'I am the linking pin between developers and assembly engineers.'
Manager Operations Mart

Manager Operations Mart

'The atmosphere, collaboration, growth opportunities, ambitions... Sioux feels right in many ways.'

Test Architect Bryan

'In every new situation, you have to fine-tune what you learned before.'
Freek Gsc

System Designer Freek

'At Sioux there is room and attention for me as a person.'

Technical Engineer Carola

'People really listen to me when I have questions, I always get answers.'
Joost Sannen

Software Architect Joost

'With Sioux I developed and gained work experience in several domains.'
Foto Joris Achten 2022

Electronics Engineer Joris

'You can develop yourself at your own pace and determine the direction in which you want to grow.'
Sioux Be Dries

Software Designer Dries

You get the opportunity to take the lead in the development of new complex features'
Harm Campmans

Mathware engineer Harm

'The great thing about my job at Sioux is the great diversity of projects with a relatively short lead-time, solving many different challenges.'

System Architect Tim

'There are plenty of opportunities to grow here, even as an architect. Many people grow all the way through.'
Elif Tasel 2022

Principial System Designer Elif

'Due to the variety of projects, you never feel bored' 
Mathware Engineer Anne

Mathware Designer Anne

'What I like most about Sioux is the personal aspect. People are really interested in each other. This is also reinforced by the organized socials.'
Martijn foto

Software Architect Martijn

'Sioux is like a family. You are not just an FTE or a resource.'
George Rijk 2022 (1)

Test Designer George

'In my work, I often have to be a pioneer. Every day brings new challenges to work on.'
Mathware Engineer Frank

Mathware engineer Frank

'I need to get challenged all the time, otherwise I get bored and unhappy. This is exactly what Sioux offers me.'

Tech Lead Gunseli

'The shared goal, combined with our passion for technology and all things geeky, truly binds us together.’
Jeroen Peters

System Software Designer Jeroen

‘After more than 20 years, I still enjoy going to work every day because of the variety of the work and the projects we run'
20180531 Wina

Software Engineer William

'Switching assignments broadens your horizon and keeps you sharp.'