The professional cycling world has been buzzing about a new secret weapon: Classified's Powershift hub system. This innovative technology, seamlessly integrated into the rear wheel, eliminates the need for a front derailleur, offering a significant aerodynamic advantage.

Dominating the time trial

In the Giro d'Italia 2024, things were shook up dramatically by Classified's innovative two-speed hub system. Classified's Powershift hub seamlessly integrates into the rear wheel, eliminating the need for a front derailleur. The challenging Stage 7-time trial, featuring a climb traditionally requiring a front derailleur, became their proving ground. The Powershift hub improves efficiency on the bike; it removes the front derailleur, improves aerodynamics and chain lines, and decreases chain forces, resulting in riders being able to travel further and faster for the amount of energy they put in. The Giro course was particularly suited to the technology, as it had a punchy steep climb and long, flat sections. The results were undeniable: Filippo Ganna (2nd), Magnus Sheffield (3rd), and Thymen Arensman (4th) secured podium finishes, showcasing the clear performance benefit.

From start-up dream to reality

Classified, the Belgian-Dutch company behind the Powershift, is a testament to innovation and collaboration. Founded in late 2020, their vision is to disrupt the cycling drivetrain market with a revolutionary two-speed hub system. However, just weeks before launch, they encountered a critical software hurdle and were in need of some support.

Knowing Sioux's reputation for excellence in embedded software development, Classified reached out.  Despite the holiday season, Sioux's team jumped at the challenge, impressed by Classified's innovative spirit. Tatiana Ungureanu, project manager at Sioux, recalls, 'We were not only impressed by their innovative technology but also by their passion for cycling.' Sioux saw an opportunity to expand their expertise in Bluetooth Low Energy technology, crucial for Powershift’s wireless communication.

Sioux's expertise accelerated the development. Through the joint collaboration, a completely new software platform emerged. Shifting times were reduced to a mere 150 milliseconds, while a user-friendly interface provided essential feedback and control to cyclists. Security and energy efficiency were also prioritized.

The future of shifting

Classified's Powershift is now offered by many bicycle manufacturers and hundreds of dealers, receiving raving reviews from the cycling media and cycling enthusiasts. Sioux and Classified constantly co-develop the technology, focusing on user scenarios like seamless component exchange and bike switching.

'Our dream is to become an established player in the cycling community with a premium product that everyone wants,' says Roëll van Druten, CTO and co-owner of Classified. 'Our partnership with Sioux supports us in achieving this goal. We share a passion for cool technology and a collaborative problem-solving approach that allows us to 'shift gears quickly' and overcome any challenges.'

As cyclists conquer challenging terrains and vie for victory, this innovative technology is poised to revolutionize the sport and redefine the future of bicycle gear shifting.
